This curated online resource has been developed to bring together vetted resources available online that can support interpreters wanting to work in the mental health setting. With such a vast array of information available online, I have sourced some of the best information that would be most helpful to interpreters working in mental health settings to get a general understanding of approaches a mental health professional may use.
This course provides foundational information on counselling, information on a variety of theories of counselling with videos, academic articles, quizzes and resources to improve your confidence to become a competent and well-informed mental health interpreter.
1-1 Personalized Support Available
Each section has a discussion board to collaborate with your colleagues and discuss best practices and dialogue with the course creator. This training has the option to add-on 1-1 consultation and debriefing with a registered professional for a fee. Some provinces and extended health care plans may reimburse 1-1 sessions.
Self Study + Working at Your Own Pace
Not everyone can afford an advanced degree in psychology and even if finances are not an obstacle, it can be hard to find the time. These courses are designed for self-study and can be worked at your own pace over the 3-month access period.
The information provided in the course is equivalent to 3 full days of in-person training and workshops.
Modular Approach
Each course has five modules, which include video lectures, images, readings, exercises, and suggestions for further study as well as a content knowledge quiz.
Your Course Curriculum
Hi and welcome to Legacy Insights Learning, I’m SUSI BOLENDER
I'm a Certified ASL/English Interpreter and Clinical Counsellor with Professional Registrations both in British Columbia (RSLI)/(RCC) and Canada (COI)/(CCC). For many years I have been passionate about education for ASL/English Interpreters in mental health settings. I have presented at conferences and given workshops and the feedback is always the same, "WE WANT MORE". In 2020 I finally dedicated the time to develop this online program to offer ASL/English interpreters and opportunity to have guided learning through the foundational aspects of counselling psychology so they would have an opportunity to increase their confidence. There is a critical lack of training for advanced interpreting specialties and a hesitancy to accept mental health interpreting work without feeling prepared. I hope this online resource will help interpreters, and organizations providing mental health service to increase levels of confidence in providing exceptional services with the right foundational training.
I hope you enjoy this program, and I look forward to expanding future course offerings.
Susi Bolender, Clinical Counsellor, RCC, CCC, COI, RSLI
Visit my LinkedIn Profile
Discussion Forums
Connect with colleagues and participate in content dialogue with our online forums.
Downloads & Resources
Background resources are provided on specific topics related to interpreting in mental health settings.
1-1 Personalized Support
Add-on of 1-1 consultation, debriefing and support. Both personal and professional.
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Contact us for payment information.